Floppy Unlocker will Unlock & Lock floppies and Unlock hard disks should they become locked by some unseen force (I still don't know of any applications that do this)
That's about all it will do. Simple, eh?
History and Information about this application:
A little while ago a secretary at work came to me wielding a floppy disk she said was locked. She didn't know how it got that way and said the "Microcomputer Experts" were convinced it was permanently corrupted and needed to be reformatted.
After checking the obvious write-protect tab (humph!) I shoved it into the nearest Plus and beheld my first software write-protected disk. She said "Can you help?" I responded confidently "Sure, I've got tons of utilities. I know something can fix it." Remembering I had read something somewhere about placing software locks on disks, I knew there had to be an easy solution.
I searched everything I had available. After a couple of days browsing sumex and every other ftp location I knew of, I unwrapped my newly purchased famous name utilities package and went to work. NO cleaRly easy soluTiON here. I was able to edit the disk blocks directly and fix this one floppy, but the average user probably would have erased the disk by now.
I decided to make this my second contribution to the freeware world. Putting another project aside for a week (I love challenges!) I delved into Inside Mac and found that pesky bit. (Ah, now I remember where I read about it!)
This is one of those tiny little utilities you won't use until you really need it; then it's a lifesaver.
So play with it a while then stash it somewhere you can find it again should you need to. If you can't find it, you probably need 'Find It!'. (obvious advertisement for my first freeware product)